Directorial Control in a Decision-Theoretic Framework for Interactive Narrative

Directorial Control in a Decision-Theoretic Framework for Interactive Narrative” by Mei Si, Stacy Marsella, and David Pynadath. In Proceedings of International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling, Best Paper Award, (Guimarães, Portugal), 2009.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Mei Si and Stacy Marsella and David Pynadath},
   title = {Directorial Control in a Decision-Theoretic Framework for
	Interactive Narrative},
   booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Interactive
	Digital Storytelling, {\bf Best Paper Award}},
   number = {},
   pages = {},
   address = {Guimar{\~A}{\pounds}es, Portugal},
   year = {2009},
   url = {}

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