Social Norms Models in Thespian Using Decision Theoretical Framework for Interactive Dramas.

Social Norms Models in Thespian Using Decision Theoretical Framework for Interactive Dramas.” by Mei Si, Stacy Marsella, and David Pynadath. In Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour. AISB Symposium, (AISB), (Bristol, England), Apr. 2006.


Social norms are shared rules of behavior that facilitate social interaction. Although norms are commonly followed, other factors such as personality traits or more pressing goals may nevertheless lead to behavior that violates norms. To facilitate life-like social interaction with users in interactive dramas, the virtual characters ideally should follow similar social norms as that in human-human interaction. In many existing interactive dramas, the effects of social norms are often crafted by the author to integrate them with goals and personalities of characters. In this paper, we present a principled way to model social norms in a decision theoretic framework, Thespian. In Thespian, characters have explicit goals of following social norms in addition to their other goals. Characters can reason about the effect of following or violating social norms the same way as achieving or sacrcing their other goals. They can therefore reason about conflicts between social norm goals and other goals. Different characters can weight social norm goals with respect to other goals in different ways. We discuss the model of social norms in Thespian. We also present preliminary experiments on testing the eciency and necessity of Thespian's social norm model for virtual characters.

BibTeX entry:

   author = {Mei Si and Stacy Marsella and David Pynadath},
   title = {{Social Norms Models in Thespian Using Decision Theoretical
	Framework for Interactive Dramas.}},
   booktitle = {Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour.
	AISB Symposium, (AISB)},
   address = {Bristol, England},
   month = apr,
   year = {2006},
   url = {}

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